8012 Garners Ferry Rd, Columbia, SC 29209
[email protected]

Educational Real Estate Videos

We’ll show you with the IN’s and OUT’s of Real Estate. Check out these helpful and educational videos!

Home Buyers

Financial Qualifying Interview

Watch a complete* financial qualifying interview conducted by finance professional Robert O'Toole. *NOTE: The buyer in this video asked us to remove some personal information.

Buyer Counseling, Agency, Expectations, Urgency

You will learn how to get the buyers who going to buy, buy now and buy from you.

Prepare Buyers To Buy

The majority of issues that prevent a sale, or cause it to fail later, could be prevented with a buyer-preparation consultation.

Home Sellers

Listing Process

Sam Miller from Knox County, Ohio, goes over his listing process, from lead capture to closing. You'll hear about the importance of getting true motivation early, tips on what to include in your pre-listing package, and researching before the presentation.

Listing Presentation: Exposure

David highlights how Kathy and Heather describe to their prospects how they will make sure their home gets the attention it deserves after listing.

Listings Coming Soon

As many markets have a shortage of inventory, listings are becoming more valuable to agents. This has led to a proliferation of listings “Coming Soon.” In this video we will address the five key areas of this practice.